Our Services
David J. Spector & Associates offers a comprehensive range of services to help make the process of getting from project inception to completion a smoother, more efficient one.
- Define project objectives and establish management guidelines
- Research and prepare comparative analyses for lease holds and properties evaluating budget, schedule, constructability, operating costs and planning efficiencies.
- Recommend candidates for the project team and assist in their evaluation and selection
- Negotiate consultant contracts
- Establish reporting guidelines and project standards for the project team
- Investigate zoning and building code issues
- Identify client design and operating requirements
- Establish program requirements
- Evaluate and compare alternative design, mechanical and construction plans and specifications
- Prepare budgets for both hard and soft costs
- Evaluate and present cost/benefit analyses of alternative solutions and recommendations
- Develop the approach to the project and establish the associated methodologies and protocols
- Establish budget and schedule guidelines
- Coordinate the project team to ensure that all consultants are performing on schedule and in concert
- Oversee development of construction documents for the project, coordinating architectural design, engineering and existing conditions to minimize conflicts, and to maintain schedule and quality control
- Verify that all necessary surveys of any existing conditions have been performed and confirm their adequacy and accurateness
- Recommend candidates for general contractor/construction manager and assist in their evaluation and selection
- Assist in the negotiation of the general contractor/construction management contract
- Coordinate the prepurchase of long lead items
- Coordinate building department and zoning requirements, filings and approvals
- Review and analyze drawings and specifications at the various stages of development for constructability, completeness, budget adherence and schedule impact
- Evaluate program modifications by providing feasibility and budgetary analysis, and then coordinate construction document revisions
- Provide estimating and value-engineering services through design development and reviews of the construction budget
- Recommend candidates for AV, IT, telephone and security and assist in their evaluation and selection
- Monitor and provide regular reports updating project cost and schedule status
- Chair regularly scheduled on site meetings to coordinate the project team
- Review bid packages and bidders lists for contractors, and manage contractor bidding
- Negotiate construction contracts; provide comparison summaries of Budget to Bid to Buy
- Review all requisitions for payment, change orders and draw requests and coordinate the approval and payment process
- Review the construction to determine the conformance of the work to the contract documents and resolve inconsistencies and field conditions
- Coordinate the change order process
- Review claims for extras from contractors and consultants, and negotiate fair value
- Interface with third parties outside of the project team, including tenants, municipal authorities and utilities as required
- Coordinate the compilation of the punch list, and monitor and schedule the punch list work
- Negotiate the close out of all construction and consultant contracts